Your Guide to Hauserspeak and Hausereque phraseology Edition of: 2315 UTC 10 March 2015 Conversational Hauserspeak for the unwashed masses with possible or suggested definitions...we could be wrong. ## (#s...hashtaghashtag...hate that term!) 4 wacky words behind (B.S. offset between WRMI & WBCQ) 7DAdventists (Adventists with 3 extra dimensions) Age of Bush (Isn't it always?) 2011y (About 2011, etc.) a*terisk (Convenient way to avoid typing an "s".) A51 (Area 51) AAMOF (Not a clue.) abbr'ing (abbreviating) aboardship (space saver) abduxion abduxion-obsessed service (Has to have something to do with aliens.) abottom (opposite of atop) Abrahamists (Lincoln enthusiasts?) Abrahamists bookish people (Arabic nerds?) abuzzous (Adjective describing Saudi Arabian xmtrs.) abuzzy (Any member of Ruth's family) academix (A sneeze; a miture of acades.) accidental harmonic (opposite of purposeful harmonic) accuratizing (Equipping something with accurats?) accursed neighborly high noise level (Glenn's neighbors raising street herbs needing infra-red lights?) ACI (Glenn's replacement for QRM.) ACIing (Adjacent Channel Interfering) acoustix (Implements for poking at acous.) acupunxure adelanted (Anglicized HauserSpanish for delayed.) ad hoc fence-beverage DXing (What Glenn does when he travels.) Adirondax (A commercial for a dax made from iron?) adjacents (stations up & down adjective-noun transmogrification. Use that 3 times and it's yours!) adjacencies (Glenn's neighbors?) adspot adstring Adventist tinge aerodynamix AFAIK (As far as I know) affexionately Affils (Affilliates) affix (Something DXers need every now and then.) Afgo-Paki (Name of a Saturday morning cartoon kid?) Africanish (An Afrolang?) Africaward (Dark continent hospital section?) Africish (Short version of Africanish) Afroeurasia Afrokids (The Lord's Ranch has moved to Africa?!) Afrolang (A lang with a large fluffy do.) aftershox (Thingys installed on your car after you buy it that keep it from bouncing too much.) AHAHK (Not a clue...something to do with Andy Sennitt or whoever is WRTVH editor) AIRblob (Output from a bad xmtr in India.) airborne relays (as opposed to landborne relays?) airhead anchorette (A distinctly Limabughian Hauserism.) airheadess (Female CNN reporter...Limbaugh would have said airheadette.) airplaning (Is this something like playing air guitar, but for carpenters? Aquatic version of motorboating?) Alamoless (Without a convicted sex offender) alfabetize alfanumber alfanumerix (DXer's breakfast cereal) Aligarh banshee blob (A group of Indian screamers) Aligarh blob (See AIRblob) AlJaz (Al-Jazeera; or a style of music popularized by Al Jolson, Al Hirt, Al Jerreau and Weird Al.) all-sunny path (A desirable situation for sun-bathing.) almost-open frequency altho AmerEnglish (Language spoken in Minnesota and the U.P. As opposed to UKOGBANInglish? As opposed to Canenglish, Jamenglish, Britenglish, Austrenglish & Kiwenglish) Amharish (Like Amharic, or the Harish morning show?) AM outsenders (Broadcasters who do it in the middle.) Amerenglish (A dialect of UKOGBANInglish) amphibian ("leapfrog" mixing product--this is getting out of hand.) amusical (A description of hard rock?) anapaestic androgynous preachperson anchorette (A small, female, boat thingy.) androgynous anapaestic preacher (Opposite of drogynous, paestic preacher) androgynous anapaestic preacheress (Opposite of drogynous, paestic preacheress) anglicization (Is this really a word? anti-Hauserism?) Anglo Weatherfordians (White folks living in Weatherford TX...yeeha!) announceress annoying pop music anomalyzer (A person or gadget that anomalyzes?) anoraks (Another Dr. Seuss character?; also a garment, which is overpulled,worn while erecting aerials.) another2 de-change (Unchanged again again?) Anteskimos (People against the Edmonton silly CFL team; 6-legged First Nation bugs; phrase heard at a poker game with appropriate natives; after skimos) anteyesterday (2daysago) antheming anti-broadcasting (Jamming; also a type of wave generated during the big bang which annihilates a normal wave when they encounter each other. This phenomena frequently happens at the top of the hour.) anvil hammering (one of the many sounds that Glenn hears) anvilless (Absence of anvil pounding) anvilling away anvil pounding (An alternative form of Chinese jamming to Crash & Bang.) anyfrequencyanyhuman anyhuxter (A generic term for annoying, but oddly entertaining people.) anyministry (Frequent buyer of airtime) anynetizen (Any person who frequents the internet.) anyprogram anystation anywhenbeamchange (Preventive maintenance on the U.S.S. Enterprise?) apocalyptic nonsense (Emissions from Brother Stair.) AraBible (huxterage in Arabic) Araby-spelt (Words with lotsa q's?) Argies (Folks from Argentina) apolitical baseball (The Independents vs The Fence Sitters?) Aprilend (The last day of April; also, part of April's anatomy. Assume that at least 11 other versions of this will appear.) aqueous insular radio country (Japan) Arabench (New Mid-Eastern language? Place for a towel-head to sit?) Arabible (Bible reading in Arabic) Arabish (Dialectical Towellheadese) Argies (Argentinians) Arkansawyer (A person who cuts down Arkans? Alao, a large boat combined with a person who slices wood, or Oklahoberry Finn's friend.) Arnie's disinformation schedule Arnie's noise (Dentro-Cuban Jamming Command) aroundtuning as*erisk (Clever way to avoid typing a t) asleep at the switching (The act of being asleep at the switch) assuaging my deprivation (Glenn is truly committed!) atmosferix (Misspelling of "atmospherix".) attax (An occurrance every April 15th.) attraxion (A planet in Dune?) atwixt audibilizing (Gross misuse of a football term) audibler (short for more audible) audiblize the spurs (What the San Antonio coach does when he sees an unusual defense.) autocolliding (running into oneself; also a common winter street intersection event. autocutsoff (Russian surname?) autoham autotimesig auxion (state of being aux) availablized (Apparent misspelling of availabilized; tooa advantage of a blize.) awayward (Not USward) AWOL (A scheduled xmsn not on the air and w/o Glenn's permission to be off.) AWWW (Allan Weiner World-Wide) axion (action...or maybe one of Glenn's nerve cells.) axual, axually axuality clips (Opposite of fake clips) azimuthal distinxions (This is truly getting out of hand.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BaBcoCk music (BBC tunes) babe gallery (Something to do with a Tulsa radio station--maybe a tour is in order!) Bachish (Like Bach...Barbara?) back-announce (telling us what was just on) backgrounder (not a baseball term) back in whack (Condition of a transmitter after it has been re-equipped with new whack, having been out of whack.) badthing (Getting a sensitive body part--there are many--caught in a zipper.) baggage of belief Baja Oclajoma (South of I-40?) balloon-snagging North Valley stick (KKOB Albuquerque antenna) bandarea (The place where the band sits?) bandedge (Not something you cover a booboo with.) bandpart (Part of a band!) Banj guy (Announcer dude on RRI Banjarmasin. Also, possibly the weird kid in Deliverance.) Banjarmasin guy (The dude who's against canning fruit in glass jars?) banshee blob banshees (Appears to be Glenn's new favorite word to describe wailing) banx (Glenn's memory thingys) basix (basics) batcrax (View from the rear of a bat wearing his pants too low?) bated breath (Something other than baited "bated" correct?) BBC-famished North Americans (North Americans who need to get a life.) BBOB (Best Brazillian On Band) beaconhf beepburst (Ute QRM. Also, a spurious bodily emission.) beep hets beeping radiograms (a description or an opinion?) beepy (like a digital signal) Beethoven's Ninth Riff beforeyesterday (Glenn is starting to spell like the Germans.) begathon (Send in your money...or else.) belowdex (Not on the upper surfaces of a water craft) benedixion (Italian for speaking good?) BFO'ing (Something that Glenn does) Biafraland (Verbose form of "Biafra"; an anti-Hauserism? Also, two afralands.) Biblicism (Cutting off the end of your Bibli?) Bibling (huxtering) bi-channeled (contacting dead people that go both ways?) bi-coastal CBC heterodyne war (6160 mess) big buzz spewing big-hall echo (Mode used for b'casts of La Voz de Salvacion in Peru.) big mushy spur (Possibly similar to big nasty slushy spur.) Big'uns from Japan (Sumo wrestlers?) bidirexional (Going both ways.) bidozen (A dozen that goes both ways?) Big Ben bong (Apparatus available at Big Ben's Herb & Smoke Shoppe.) big blob of extremely distorted talk ("transmitter gone haywire") Big Buzzer (Glenn's affectionate term for Saudi Arabia) big dirty FMy spur big dirty spurs big filthy distorted FMy blobs (I ask you...why bother to create a wise-ass edfinition for this?) big filthy spurs (cow shit on the rowels?) big hum surges (could be a sex thing) bignal (Big signal? Bigoted signal? A gnal that goes both ways?) big nasty slushy spurs (A giant carnival treat.) big rumbling hum bigsig (a large sig; nickname of a dude in the Big House) bihour (An hour that goes both ways?) bikilometer (A kilometer that goes both ways.) Biloxites (Presumably folks from Biloxi, but could also be Loxites that go both ways.) bimegahertz (one dikilokilohetrz) bimillenium (A time when there were only ass-drawn radios.) binite (How one greets the dawn? 1-1/3 sesquinites) bisecond (A second that goes both ways) bitonous (twice as monotonous) bitsig (bit of a sig? same as a digisig?) biweek (A week that goes both ways?) blaaaaaps (One of those sounds we've all heard!) blah3 (blah, blah, blah) blanx (What a person who speaks this way is shooting.) blastaway (Signing on with mucho gusto.) blasting BS companions (WWCR & WWTW) blather spewing (huxterage) bleary-eyed OL (Your typical DXer at 3AM.) bleedthru blobbization (Spinoff from an early Steve McQueen movie?) blob check (Using two mirrors to look at that thing on your back.) blob hash (Describes most hash I've ever consumed.) blobjammer blobless (without blobage) blobmess (That ugly thing laying on the bathroom floor.) blob pairs (Cuban spurs. Also a derogatory term for an old woman.) blobsound (plop or splat) blogurl (A female blog?...or possibly a Baptist no-no?) blox (presumably blocks) blubbering signal (Jimmy Swaggert on SW.) blurple (a purple blur) BOA (Bulge of Africa) Bols (Bolivians--cutesy form of CPs...Are Deutschland stations Germs?) bonker (See anvil pounding; clever QRM description) Boo Abis (Apparently Abis did something to displease Glenn.) boomy room (A studio with bad accoustics) boomy studio (A studio with bad accoustics) borderblaster (Ah, the memories of XERF.) Bots (Mechanical Botswanans) bouncearound BPO flickon (Something to do with boogers?) braaaaaaap (Glenn's description of OTH. Also, Glenn's spurious emission after a big slug of hot Pepsi, or a large three-bean salad.) Brasigs (What they smoke in Recife? Seductive sounds made by breast harnesses?) Brasilchunk (A piece of Brasil?) Braziguese (Relatives of a Canada Goose?) Brazoguese (Language spoken by Brasillian females?) Brazuguize (act of altering Spanish to Brazuguese so Spanish soccer announcers can be understood in Brasil) Brazohet (Interference between two adjacent bras?) Brazuguese (Language related to Portuzillian, or an offshoot language from Brazogueze) Britishish (Australian? Canuckian? Jamaicamon? Merkin?) broadqast (A little bow to the Basques) Bronx cheer utility (A ute that boos?) Brother Scare (A well-known South Carolina Bible thumper arrested for child thumping.) Brother Scare organ (see above) Brother Scaring (B.S. huxterage) BS (Brother Stair, Brother Scare, Brother Smear, Bull Shit, Blue States) BS Service (A Brother Stair broadcast) BSplash (Last Day Prophet splashage) BTW2 (By the Way By the Way?) bureaux (A French place to put clothing) but2 (but, but) butterfly-like woman (A female unit that flits?) buzz/buzzy envelope (Container for sending bees in the mail) buzz field (Good name for a cartoon character) buzzfree (What a person on the wagon is, or possibly a Saturday morning cartoon character.) Buzzing Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (BSKSA) buzzing fly modulation Buzzing Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Arabs who go around ringing Saudi doorbells?) buzznoise buzzpulsing (Apian intercourse?) BuzzSKSA (Saudi Arabian bees?) buzz spurs (An old cowboy movie character?) buzzwhine (An annoying small female bee? I guess that would be a buzzwhiner)) buzzy Firedrake jammer (Crash & Bang music on a kazoo?) buzzy hets (A band leader from the 40s? Maybe a guy that Glenn went to high school with or straight people that hum a lot.) buzzy noise field bylistener (A listener that goes both ways?) bystander broadcaster bystanding (Sitting around, waiting for DX to appear.) bytuners (dial twisters) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C2C (Coast-to-Coast) C2CAM (Coast to Coast AM) Cairaudio callee (A person being called...called what?) Camping Anti-Church Cult (A group that has been raptured) Campingdroning (Sermonizing around a fire.) Campinglish (Utterances from Harold droning.) caradio (Mobile Glenn; That thing in your internal combustion conveyance for listening to Oklajomans.) carefully scripted hype (But wait! There's more!) carevouts [sic] (Glenn's misspelling of carveouts) Castilisping (Spanish speech impediment) Catholix (A passtime enjoyed by consenting Catholics.) Caths (Catholics; also tubes that people stick up your openings.) CBSSR (Central B'casting System Sports Radio) CCI (Co-channel interference; 201) CCCCI (ChiCom Co-Channel Interfrence) CCCCCI (ChiCom Chinese co-channel interference) CCCCCCI (Chinese Communist, Chinese language, Co-Channel Interference) CCIless (No Co-Channel Interference) CCO-land (Minnesota) centred (A penny after it's circulated for a while. British for in the middle, or a one-cent coin.) chantless characteristix chatfest Chavismo (That undefiined thing that Hugo has.) Chavistas (Hugo's followers.) cheesecake gallery (The girls of radio?) cheesy military band (Musical wing of the Green Bay Packers army?) chex (A cereal from the hoary past.) ChiComless ChiComQRM Chicuban (Cubans with mixed heritage?) Chihua2 (Chihuahua) Chi music (Rhythmic vibrations from the People's Republic.) China Radio War (A little known event in Chinese history, when the horse-drawn radio tribe threw their radios at the charging wood-fired radio tribe.) Chineseish (What Chinese sounds like to most people; also possibly a phonetic sneeze; Like chines.) Chinese Buzz Jammer (A Saturday morning TV cartoon in Chine.) Chinese yakker (A new cable program about Chinese red necks catching yaks.) Chinesish (Like Chines) chipmunx chirping hets (Sound made from hets that have just emerged from their eggs.) chirpy like water dripping in a sewer (as opposed tom water dripping in a toilet) Chitalk ("Da Bears") chopoff (tree felling contest?...that's not what came to mind, is it?) Christian Camping Cultists (Followers of Harold) Christianish (OK on the resurrection but not on the immaculate reception thing...or vice-versa?) Christian subset (sects, sects, sects) cinemusic circaNica (No clue) circumbolivia (Having your bolivia cut off?) circuMexico circumhumans (An upright-walking sub-species without a foreskin.) circumsolstice (Cutting off your solstice?) Civilworks (Government in "action".) Chipmunx Cimanggis twins (Adityarvaman & Tribhuwwana...actually RRI 9526 & 9680.) clacking (Popular new QRM term) clands (Clandestines) Clarxville (A place to which the last train goes.) clews (missspelled clues) clicker (Cuban jammer spur; also the handiest devise ever invented for male couch potatoes.) clicky annoying audio artifacts (Good name for a punk rock band) clix (Sounds that crickets make.) clmx (classical music; climax?) clonic nonentities (Clones that don't exist? Current state of many web sites.) closetime (s/off) closing transmission with love (Cuddling?) clox (Instruments with pointers rotating clock-wise.) clueful CNAm (Presume Central North America) co-channel botherment (QRM; not a Hauserism, but should be.) co-city station (a station in the same city as another one) cohetes (Something that Radio Habana does that annoys Glenn.) collateral damage (Interference to an unintended station by a jammer.) collectors of obscure languages (Liz?) collexion collidee (a station which has been collided with, by a collider) collinear (Misspelling of co-linear?) colliding (The long way to say, QRM.) come-and-go reception (listening to the radio during sex?) commercial-like enthusiastic unabashed self-promotion Commie-con (A Far-Left-Wing-Nut get-together) Commie for Commie vs Commies (RHC & CRI on at the same time & freq) contraxually communicant complimentary Yankee-Imperialist Monitoring Service (Glenn) compunxion computer-influenced YL (A Japanese female announcer who learned English from the internet.) conDX (Passtime for prisoners.) confundible (Ability to supply money to a prison inmate?) congirmed (It can now be congirmed that Glenn has fat fingers!) connexion connoisseuse (A focused female) consarned Cuban pulse jamming (Dagnabbit pesky Cubanos) construxion Conosuristas (Residents of the conical-shaped portion of southern South America, or...Latino people who conocur.) Conservatives ruled by reptilian emotions (Observation of a person who makes a living listening to the radio.) contax (A cold remedy?) conterminous (Not a clue) contest-enhanced QRhaM continuous musical plinking (analog musical plinking) contradixion (Nicaraguan dialect?) contradixions (Armed rebels against the Dixions.) convixion co-religionists (an oxymoron?...since none of them get along.) correxion (Something that's badly needed here!) conterminoUS (Detroit/Windsor, Port Huron/Sarnia) contrib (against tribs) counterclockwise (double space saver, or...some royal dude named Erclockwise) country/cowboy touch covert evangelism (sneaky huxterage) crackling spurs (hard protrusions from pork rinds) crackly spur creatures with high-pitched voices (preacheresses, announceresses, etc.) CRInternal (Local Chinese stuff.) CRInternational (Radio Beiping) critix crossmodding with crosstalk (A very cross situation. Also, crossmoddig is one sex dressing very fashionably in the attire of the other.) crox (Sewer-dewelling reptiles) CubaCom (The folks that run Cuba...they are still in Cuba aren't they?) Cubajammed Cuban Radio War (Florida Jose Marti vs Habana Arnie Coro) Cuban wobbler (Fidel after a long night of carousing.) CubaRM (Interference from Cuba.) Cupertinists (Obscure supernatural guy sect in Cupertino CA) cumbersomely (Surly--don't call me Shirley--this isn't an acceptable form.) curvy weatherwomen (Aren't they all?) cutbax cuton (The on part of off/on; sounds like a dessert.) cut-ons after hourtops (Someone was asleep at the switch.) C&W (Central & Western...a Hauserism usage travesty.) C&W-influenced (Anything involving trailer parks.) CWQRM (Jerry's favorite music.) Czechia (Something done at hockey games in Prague?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- databurster (Busting a paper bag behind a character on Star Trek, The Next Generation.) datespan dayedge daypart (How a Southerner pronounces "depart".) dayside (Arnold's uplit side) daytimers-at-night (Early birds staying up late?) DCJC (DentroCuban Jamming Command; Roman for 600 JCs) dead air between huxters (A rare phenomena noted when two huxters face each other and their emission cancel each other out. The opposite effect is known as a "rogue huxter".) dead-air schedule dead-air sweepstakes (Multiple stations giving us the silent treatment) deadairish (Like dead air?!) deadband (Cast of a zombie movie; Jerry Garcia et al) debunx (where de cowboys sleep) dead but hummy deconfirmed (If you send a QSL back to the station, are you deconfirmed?) deduxion deep den of gospel huxterism deep North America (Oklahoma) deep summer defacto fence beverage (A type of antenna made famous by Glenn.) defaulted to King James (World of Radio got huxtered) defavoring definitize (Taking away your finitize.) dehacked (What happened when Lizzie Borden glued her parents back together.) dehetted deimposition deinterrupted dekaday dekakhz (10,000 hz; 6666 & 2/3rds sesquihz) dekamating (All at one time???!!!) dekaminute (Rate at which Glenn can deal cards.) dekasecond (A really, really fast way to deal cards.) dense hard rock music (Hard rock with a high specific gravity? Is soft rock fluffy? Also, a distant cousin of solid gospel opposed to loose gospel music.) dense instrumental rock music (as opposed to lite?) DentroCubans (Things inside Cubans such as livers, lungs, etc.?; Cuban dentists?...inside Cuba) Dentro-Enid (Enid is in the building) DentroKorean (Spanish-speaking people in North Korea?) dentro-promo (An exiled promo?) DentroTurx dentroreceiver (Something outside Glenn's receiver?) de-nulled (unnulled) departee (station that signed off) descathed (w/o QRM?) de-slew (straighten out?) destruxion detexion (w/o texion; A long drawn out process undergone by people who move out of Texas.) devotionalish (like Devo) DGS (Dr. Gene Scott...who is still dead.) diacritix (two acritix) dialing by feel (let your mind wander!) different unknown frequency (A frequemy other than the one that is not known!) difficultize (what happens to communication when you make up words) diffraxion (1/2 in Chicago?) digiburst (a really, really bad toe stub?) digiclock digifarts (HA!...a whole new source of Hauserisms; utefarts, pulsefarts, buzzfarts, spurfarts, humfarts...boomy digifarts!) digi-like (Southern backwoods term; e.g. Digi-like that fried possum?) digisig diplorelations (How the diplo, a rare beast found only in Enid, procreates.) directress direxional (two rexionals?) directional oomph (misspelling of direxional oomph) dirty blob (soiled globule; XXX version of an early Steve McQueen movie) dirty distorted spurblobs (A Hauserblob) dirty squealy extremely distorted parasites (WEWN's broadcasting mode.) disaudibilizing (Shhhhhhhhhh; Turning your radio off?) disinclude (Is this a word? Spell check doesn't think so.) distinctively-uniformed Lingerie League (Glenn is a sports fan after all!) distinxion (Without tinxion; Sounds like something to do with flatulence.) distorted-Donald-Duck transmitter distorted FMy spurblobs distorted parasitic spurs (bent, teeny, tiny rowel holders for amoebae) distorted praise music (Songs about invisible guys...and things.) disunderstand (Where dis is when you drop it at the ballgame.) distinxion (Not tinxioned; relieved of one's tinxion) distraxion dittering (Description of a spur, or a possible new term for listening to beacons!) dixion (Ten French ions) dixionary (Something to do with exposing one's penis; a bool listing French ions.) dizzy outlet (A Radio Disney station) DKJC (Dentro-Korean Jamming Command) docu (documentary) dodekaday (a biday shy of a biweek) dodekaminute (8 sesquiminutes) doesseem (Another brilliant avoidance of a space) do-nothingism (A preferred form of domestic policy) Dopplery double-whammy Cubasqueeze (What you will experience when trying to broadcast anywhere from 5850 to 6150. Also, a new flavor at Baskin- Robbins. Also, a bizarre Cuban 3-way sex act requiring considerable dexterity.) down-in-a-barrel reverb downnarrowed downpin (Useless fastener made from a goose feather. Also, what happens at the end of the bowling alley after you throw the ball.) Downunderite (A brand of Australian underwear.) dozzzed off (short nap version of dozzzzzzzzzzzzzed off) dratted IADs (Intermittant Audio Dropouts...the dratted type.) drawbax (What an artist does with a bax.) DReaM world DRjaM (A rap artist?) dulcet mumbling dumpoff (A contest involving squatting and grunting.) Duran2 (My daughter's favorite boy group.) DW riff (An argument between Deutsche and Welle.) DXable (Capable of being far away.) DXability DX Code of Conduct (A smell a new list!) DXUL (No clue) DXwise (An oxymoron) dynamix (Good name for a gasoline additive) dysfunxional (description of a spelling disorder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- earkeep (What you do when you expect to hear a station.) earmarx (Wax stains? Bad piercing job?) earthquaxe (Language spoken by dux?) E-boost (an ionospheric thing) echoey venue (Souce of Radio Vision b'casts?) echofeed echoier (Sounds French...they have a different word for everything.) egotistic outreach (huxterage) ejexion (What happens to coronal masses.) EJOM (Elder Jacob O. Meyer) electronickish music elexion (Things that are rigged.) elexioneering (Hot air) El Hugazo (The Grand Poobah of Venezuela) elsefrom elsewhen (Some other time) El Show del Hugazo (Venezuelan porn channel?) emisucia (Not a clue...something to do with Cuba.) Emmanuel Baptist kilo-church (Apparently a large Baptist church on West Garriott in Enid.) ENIDOK (Where to send money to Glenn; not how your Aunt Enid is feeling.) Enidplex (A movie theater in Glenn's hometown. Also a psychological condition characterized by an unnatural desire to live in Enid.) enormous gringo (Apparent reference to a dude who walked across Cuba. There are other imaginative interpretations possible.) ep (episode) EqG (Equatorial Guinea) equidistantly (Like a far off horse?) equinoxially (Doing something with equal noxes?) Enidward (Towards Glenn's) Englishly titled (The Earl of Oklahoma?) EQs (earthquakes) equinoxial conditions (Situation where things are equally noxious.) equinoxial graylinish (as opposed to solstitial graylinish) equinoxial thing (groundhog?) Erithiopian radio war eruptive preacher (enthusiastic huxter) eruptions of buzzes (Good name for a rock band) espanunumeros (SS spy numbers) Ethiopia-seekers (People who are worse-off than Ethiopians.) ethnix Eurafrica (New continent formed when the Mediterranean disappears) Eurafricans (People trapped in the Mediterranean?) Eurafroasia Eurolangs (Langs from Europe) Eurosig Eurosomolilandish evangelizer (Extended form of evangelist) ever-westerning terminator evil free speech (Dentro-Cuban Jamming Command's assessment of Radio Marti) excursing (Making demons leave a person by shouting obscenities at them?) ex-languages ex/non-pirate show (Legitmate show that is not on anymore?) ex-nothing (format reference for a new station) extinxion extraterritoriality (Somewhere outside the Vatican boundaries.) extraviated (Having more viates than you need?) extremely annoying, hyper-assertive announcer (Goooooooooooooooooooooooool!) extremely distorted blob (Great name for a punk rock band.) extremely overwrought dramatization with screaming (religious program) Extremely Silly Passion Network (An expression of Glenn's love of ESPN and silly sports.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fadeup (going down-up?...very controversial DX word.) fadier Fairbanx (A financial institution in Alaska?) Fak2 (Fak Fak) Fakfakians (People who run RRI Fak Fak? People who listen to RRI Fak Fak? Beings on a planet in a galaxy far, far away?) fanatix fancy fiddling cadenza (multi-functional furniture?) fadier (French word for disappearing?) farleftist (A person who practices Farlefism?) farrightwingnut (A space-saving description. Also an avid Red Wings fan. Also, A wing nut with only one very off-centered wing. Of no practical use in building anything. Also, a finger-friendly fastener located farthest from the left side of the thing it is on.) far-right-wing-nutting fashionable Afrocap (Q'Daffy Duck's head apparel) faux-Morse-code-like intermittent tones (A cmmo broadcasting mode on LW; also something done by the Dentro-Cubam Jamming Command.) faxion (A very small group of people who spell like this) F&B (Fire & Brimstone, also Flatulence and Burping) FD (Firedrake; Chinese crash & bang music jammer; now being abbreviated is a sure sign that it has become institutionalized.) few-sex-late Fidel`s filthy pulse jammers (I guess Raoul's not really in charge.) filthy blob (A blob that has picked up soil) filthy distorted FM spurs (What Ferlin Magillicudy's spurs loooked like after his faithful horse Buster drug him through the feed lot.) filthy FMy distorted blob filthy squishy spurs (Yet another spur variety) Firedrake lento passage (a bit less crashing & banging than usual?) Firedraked (Getting exposed to crash & bang Chinese opera music) Firedrakey (Crashy & Bangy) fireworx (Yes, it does!) fitful pirate (One with IADs...or one throwing a snit.) fixion (A rigged atom short an electron?) Fla-Land (Florida) flash crash (Memory of a bad thing?) flites (flights) flooDX (Hearing a distant station from a place in a flood.) flush with flesh and flash (Glenn's description of the Eurovision Song Contest.) flutish music (Music played by Doug Flutie?) flutterier (short form of more fluttery) fluttery German (German spoken by folks of a certain persuasion.) fluttery RAE (Cooking show hostess) flux (Wonder why he doesn't use "flucks"?) fluxe (Hoity-toity form of flux.) fluxuate (throb) fluxuating (The act of fluxing or throbbing.) fluxuation (throbbage) fluxy (Glenn's cat?) FMania (An unnatural urge to convert all transmitters to FM) FModulation FMy (Like FM) FMy blob spur (What more can be said?) FMy distorted spurblob FMy parasitic spurs folx (Peepul) fonetik (A sucking parasitic insect found in telephones.) fonetikaly (Misspelling of fonetikally; Like a fake Guatemalan?) fonetikally (Possibly a reference to ancient Mayan telephones at Tikal.) fonetix (Synonym for Hauserispeak) footballgame (Short version of foot ball game) forced joviality former porn star who now dresses modestly and professes to be a linguistic and Bible scholar (Nothing to add here!) four-score-and-twelve MHz (XCII MHz, or, if you prefer LXXXXII MHz) fox-hole (silent period) Franken-FM (An FM put together from dead FM parts?) fraxured fraxion (Part of a fraction) freezine (A free magazine, or possibly a brand of anti-freeze.) French French (French folks actually from France. Long version of French2) Frenchword (C'est) frequency-agile frequencying frequency-misser frequentially Fribbath (Something you do in a tub on Friday?) frothy Brother Scare (B.S. on a screaming snit?) frying-buzzing sound (Audible emanations when sauteeing bees.) fsminute (not a clue) FueraCubans (Half the population of Miami?) full-bore supersig funxion, funxioned, funxional funxioning futbolista fuzzily similar fuzzy carrier (A bag to tote peaches in) FWIW (For what it's worth.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G24 (Global 24) gasping gospel huxter geekplay (Broadway version of Revenge of the Nerds?) geg (A billion egs?) genocider (An apple drink served at Jonestown?) geocoincidence (Coming together of two foreign cars?) George Stephanololopolous (George Laughing Out Loud?) getting mushed (Drinking a lot of beer while DXing. What Sarah Palin's huskies do when she goes sledding.) getting smothered by Mother Angelica (You can fill in the image here.) g.h. (gospel huxter--a Hauserism Hauserism! Might also mean "Glenn himself", as opposed to G.H. "Glenn Himself") ghuxter (gospel huxter, or a Glenn Hauser uxter) gibberbasque (What someone from Northern Spain speaks when he's drunk?) gigakwacha (A billion kwachas) gigaland gigantichertz (a billion ntichertz?) GIGO (A relative of the mouse that used to appear on Ed Sullivan?) glitchy noises godforbid (He's for sale?! A town in Greenland?) God's time (Whenever Vatican Radio broadcasts) God-talk (Las palabras de Hauser?) golpe (Glenn showing off by using this instead of "coup".) googlehits gooooooooooooooooooooaaalllllllll (Incorrect spelling of gooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllll) gooseshit (Apparently a substance often found at one of Glenn's favorite DX locations.) gospel disco Gospelhuxterese (A language involving a lot of yelling.) gospelish (Language spoken in Huxterstan) gospel-ish tinge (A hit of huxterism) graphix, grafix (What you do when your gra is broken.) graveyard-like pileup (what the MW frequencies in Enid sound like when the power is off) great Orthodox music (Apparently something the Russians have to offer.) Greeceless Greenbook crap (The wisdom of Q'Daffy) Greek Orthodox guys (Great name for a rock band.) GreeQRM grindjamming (What happens when you get a bone in your hamburger machine) Gringo preacher (no explanation necessary) Gringo-Spanish (A language heard along the U.S.-Mexican border?) groggy morning operator (A folk song by the Groggy Mountain Boys?) grokking (This HAS to be illegal in Norway.) [The term "grok" was coined in Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land and is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "to understand intuitively or by empathy; to establish rapport with" and "to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment."] (The Usual Suspects will now adopt this concept as; having a good time will henceforth be known as having "grokkage".) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H2O ute (presume this is the dripping water sound) Ha2 (Ha Ha) HAB (A city on Cuba, not a rubber disk player in Montreal) Habanarmonix (New variety of hot pepper?) Habanic usurpation (A nasty habit of the war-like Habanites; also use of any frequency by Cuba.) haemorrhoid (a classy sphincter problem?) half sesqui-hour (Verbose form of 45 min. Glaring missed opportunity to use demisesquihour.) hamactivity (Swine running about?) ham intruder-busters ham intruder-watchers (42 m. police) hamjammer (Stuffing a pig up something?) hang-hole (Component of a system for determining the gravitational attraction of toilet paper. Also, an outhouse opening.) harmonicization (Nationalization of the nation's harmonica production.) harmonicizing (What a group of people who cannot carry a tune in a bucket, try to do when singing.) harmonicization harmonix (What you do if you want to eliminate harmos.) Hauserismitis (A tendancy to use Hauserisms in a log, or an inflamation of the Hauserism.) hearage (that which has been heard) heard underneath her (What you hear when Rev. Barbi is on top.) heavy clicker (A large cricket?) heavy Hindi lilt (A sub-continental Bollywood folk song) heavy pulsing QRM (Hearing the folks in the next motel room?) heavy swish QRM (Gay-Lesbian jamming?) hefty filthy spurs (I doubt this refers to hard plastic projections on garbage bags; an anti-Hauserism.) heh2 (heh heh) henchperson (Politically correct version of henchman.) hetclashing heterodyne rumble (street fight between the heteros and the dynes) hetless (Lacking something to bet against.) hettor (A thing that hets; also possibly the Greek God of Interference.) hicky QSO (Apparently something hams can do to leave a red mark.) hijinx (Fun times in Oklahoma.) hi-latitude (A casual greeting to Latitude.) hilifish (Similar to African music; also a rare species of fish found only in Oklahoma sewers.) hiness (highness) hischool (What you say when you go back to your old school.) Hispanicize Hispanix (A Latino sneeze? Latino undergarment made from stretchy fabric?) Hminnesota (A state where a lot of Hmong reside.) Hmong up-and-down singing (SE Asian practise of singing during intercourse.) Hmusic (Hmong music) HOAish (HOA = Horn of Africa; as opposed to Port Hope on the Horn of Michigan) hoarsevoice hoary old Fidel (Raul's brother) hoary old Fidel speechinnocuous made-to-order DXing with Cumbre (DX program snippage) hoary past (Anything you need a brain memory for.) hoary speech (Fidel reading Shakespeare?) Hollandese (Northern Dutch? Maybe an abbreviated form of the sauce Glenn uses on his asparagus) holy day relief operator Honduran golpistas (Central American golfers?) horned-frogs-land (Arizona) Hornish of Africa music horrible ratchety frying noise (The sound made when trying to saute a ratchet.) hotlinx (A seductive, wild feline) hourbottom (long form for BoH) hourend (Pre-ToH) hourpart hourtop (When stations are supposed to ID.) houseparts (Those parts that belong to the house.) however2 (however, however) hpw (hours per week; huge pulsating wound) Hrmph (Glenn's reaction to something stupid in a report.) hu (who...for crying out loud!) Hugazoless (Sans Hugo) huge dirty distorted FMy spurblobs huge envelope of buzz huge whine of hets (A bunch of whiny straight people, and a great name for a punk rock band.) huger (more huge) human-produced modulation (A belly raspberry?) humblob hum/buzz/whine/roar (This could axually be useful!) humbuzz (An updated Charles Dickens term? "Bah, Humbuzz!") humbuzzy (The state of humbuzzing--having humbuzzage) humcarrier hummily testing hummy (A humming transmitter...a good name for a rock band.) hummy dead-air humroaring (Sound made by a barbershop quartet of lions?) hum surges humwhine (high-pitched humbuzz? fermented grape drink involving mastication? fermented grape drink that forgot the words?) huxter (A person who huxes?) Huxterism (religious technique involving a lot of yelling) huxtress (Rev. Barbie et al) Hyde-&-Jekyll outlet (A station that starts out as monster and turns into a doctor?) hymnic harmonies (An oxymoron if referring to hymns sung by your typical congregation.) hymnody (A phenonema frequently observes in churches during the singing of hymns, in which the chin rotates downward toward the sternum.) hymnsong hymn tune hymny music (What you hear on Family Radio when Harold isn't droning.) hyper-assertive declamation (Being really, really against clams?) hyper-assertive English announcer-creatures hyperboring (Digging a hole real fast) hyper-Christian hotbed (CO Springs CO) hyper format in Chinese sounds (Crash & Bang?) hyper hosts (self-explanatory) hypernormal (Opposite of subhyper?) hyperhuxter hyper-soprano hypetalk (frequent huxter delivery mode) hypo announcer (underannouncer?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- icosasecond (2 dekaseconds; 30 sesquiseconds; 40 demiseconds) imaginary radio country status (Fodder for QSL whores) IAD (Intermittant Audio Dropout) Ibero-America IBOCish (like hissage) IBOQRM (Evil IBOsssssssssss) iceberg tips (A salad component?) icies (Folks living in Antarctica?) icosakhz (Now this is really getting out of hand!) icy station IDstring (A very good thing!; or, if a command, e.g., "That string is made of hemp.") ilx (ilks) imaginary airtime imaginary frequency (The square root of -6925...which is approx. 83.2i) imaginary frequency announcement (Announcing frequencies that aren't in use.) imagination level (signal strength equivalent to a silent fart.) imama (female imam) imperfexions (e.g., a misspelling of imperfections) impossiblize/impossiblizing inaxion ("in action", as missing inaxion...good grief) inband inbanders inblast inblasting (Flatulence that doesn't make it outside? Better than inbooming?) inboomer (a station that is inbooming) inbooming (Negative flatulence?) inbooming with Pat Boone inbringing (What the pizza delivery dude does.) inbuilt (Not outbuilt) inchon (moving gradually in South Korea) inclue (opposite of inclueless) incomprehensible talk discussion (An alternative to incomprehensible hand gesture discussion.) incredibly phony-enthusiastic screaming announcer Indglish (Indiana English) India-Bang (A bicountry) Indipakidesh (A trination) indirect het-comparing method (A method for comparing heterosexuals without them knowing it. E.g. binoculars, wearing sun glasses at the beach.) Indopop (A male Indonesian fornicator) Indorock (A hard Indonesian object) infaded (Yet another form of the controversial term "fade up".) infexion (inside a fexion) inflexion (inside a flexion) infiller (obsolete job at a gas station) infomercialling (Excessively long snake oil advertisement.) infooldel (Harold Camping) infrastruxure infraxion (That slanty line in 1/2?) initialism (Representation of a complex concept as initials; e.g. B.S. = Bull Shit or Brother Stair.) injexion inkicking (Something less definite than inbooming?) inletting (Something never to do with a burglar.) inmidst inmixed inplugged inslip (surreptitious penetration) inplugged (What DXers are) insane screaming gospel huxter (Long form of ISGH) insomniax inspexion institutionalized superstition (any reigion) instru-musical (as opposed to voco-musical) instruxion instruxional tone (teacher-speak?) intellexual (sounds dirty) interaxion (Between axions) intercomprehensible (Hauserspeak?) interdixion (In between dixion) interferrer (Possiibly the thing that's causing the rate of expansion of the universe to increase.) interjexion (between jexions) intermittances International Vacuum (Where satellites dwell) internauts (internet surfers?) intersexion (Close contact between different species; break between slap-and-tickle sessions?) intruder buster (Bad guy Buster breaking into your house?) intune/intuned (When all's right with the world.) IOM (Isle of Man) IranQuran (Good name for a glam-rock band) irrepressibly peppy upbeat music (Verbose for, a real toe tapper.) ISing (Interval Signalling) islandic (Like unto an island?) italix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ja2 (Ja Ja?) Jak announcer (Radio dude from Jakarta) jambleed (The stuff that runs over the edge of the bread when you spread jam too exuberantly.) jambuzz (reaction to a fruit sandwich made with vodka?) jamethod (jamming method; a means of turning fruit into a spreadable treat) jammer-invading jumparounds jammerpals jammer-pouncing jammers gone wild (videos of scantily clad jammers?) jamming pileup (sandwich made by a 3-year-old) jamming-worthy target (a biscuit) jammusic (Chinese Crash & Bang opera music.) jumparound (1992 hip hop song by House of Pain) jampulsing (Phenomena that occurs using a nearly empty squeeze bottle of jam.) jamspur (That lumpy stuff that forms at the top of the jam jar when you don't use it for a long time.) jam the biggies jamtiming Japanese Mississippian preacheress (Hey! If Louisiana can elect a governor with Indian heritage, seems reasonable that there would Japanese huxterettes in Mississippi.) Japlish (A better choice than Englapese.) Japo-Mississippian Jappop (Nipponese popular music) Jaxonville Jayhawx (The people responsible for getting Jay Leno back on the Tonight Show.) JBA (Just Barely Audible) JBM (Just barely modulated) Jesus tunes (Favorites of one of the Alou brothers) Jimbotalk (Jim Bohanon Show) JIP (joined in progress) J-pop music (A type of popular music as used to be performed by JJY and the Pips; also a Japanese father; also the short form of Jappop.) Jo'burg (Johannesburg) journo (A person who reports things and gets paid for it.) JOZed (Japanized) JTTW (Joy To The World) Juche jamming (North Korean jamming?) Juche jills (Young Korean ladies who go up a hill to fetch a pail of water?) Juches (An apparent reference to North Koreans.) juicy Juche jamming (This will probably become JJJ from now on.) Judeo-Espanol (Hebish, Spanbrew?) jumbly mix (A format heard on many frequencies.) jumparound (Station tactic to avoid Chinese opera music. What a DXer who has to pee badly does near the ToH) jumparounding (act of jumping around to avoid jamming... being jammerized?) jumparounder (Don't jumpthruher, jumparounder. Also, stations avoiding crashing & banging.) Junend (What you see when June bends over.) junxion (There's a Grand one in Colorado & a Petitcoat one on TV.) jurisdixion (Judge Dixion) juvenilely (Writing foneticalee?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kalliforrnya (The left coast of the U.S.) kGz (kilogigahertz, or maybe just kilogertz?) kID ("...please let me know if you can hear me.") kidchoir (A KJES staple) kidchoral kidblock under WYFR (KJES interfering with Harold droning.) kidsong (A ditty for the immature; Radio Disney stock) kidvid (Saturday morning TV fare.) kilobuck (monetary...AND...hunting term) kilochurch (1/1000th of a megachurch, or 100 dekachurches) kilocyclon (100 dekacyclons) kilomile (kilohexaheptadodecameter, 1000 pentakilobihektaochenta feet) kilopeople (The act of killing a large group of Irishmen. See also Kill O'People.) kiloperson (Illegal in all states except Texas.) kilospeakers (1000 carbon units) kilowasting (Broadcast mode for thumpers, crash & bangers, etc.) kilowatting (Sounds like an English village) kix (Something found on Route 66, and a favorite cereal as a yute) KJV (King James Version; Kojak Jails Vandals; Korea Jams Vanuatu) klezmerized (Jewished up) knox (noizez that carz make using cheep gaz) konstantly kolliding (What Kuwait does) KorCom (Kim and the boys) Korear (Korea pronounced by a New Englander.) K-pop (Korean pop music; Korean father) krap (Kazakhstani crap) Kriyol (Glenn's version of Creole) kunditions (How things are at Kunming.) Kunmingers (Presumably the same folks as Kunmingis.) Kunmingis (The people of Kunming; also a practise that is illegal in Mississippi, even by consenting adults.) kwattburning (Incinerating your kwatt?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAH (low audible heterodyne) language buff/DXer (Liz) languid ham QSO (ARO dronage) latening (getting later) latestart (late start or latest start?) Latinamericanoa (Another verbose anti-Hauserism) lawnmowage lax (sans) LDPOG (Last Days Prophet Of God) leapfrog spur (A really nasty thing to wear in a child's game.) lesser ex-convict (Brother Stair) Lexky (Lexington, Kentucky; Does this mean that Larry Russell is from Flushingmi; Andy Robins from Kalamazoomi; Niel Wolfish from Torontoon?) lexure (The state of being like Lex) lilypad (Freq for a leapfrog mixing product) linked fora (Foras stuck together?) linx (links...probably nothing to do with golf, or snarly cats with big ears.) listener-inducing (subliminal things that cause us to do weird stuff?) lite bubble jamming (Lo-cal, frothy jamming) lite jamming (Jamming with less carbs) lixe (How you feel about your fiance? Something you do with your tongue? An obscure French word? You know those French; they have a different word for everything.) loband lo-fi gospel singer (Opposite of a hi-fi gospel singer) lo-fi (Opposite of Hi-fi) LOL minutes (60-second increments spent listening to Harold Camping) long-announced imaginary ex-frequency loudening lousy prop cond lowend Lower 58 (USA - HI & AK + BC-to-PEI) low-key mumbler lowpower (another space avoidance) LR bug (TV bug at the lower-right) LUHF (Lowest Usable High Frequency?) lunatix (Parasitic mites with large aqua colored wings? Radio Reloj xmtr on the moon?) luney vagaries of Easter timing lux (No, not soap...lucks.) lyrix (Words in a song, or a Dr. Seuss character) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M&M (A candy or two men...take your pick.) M&M conversation (Talking sugar coated candy bits?) macron (Long mark over a vowell...axually!) Mad (Madagascar) mailbag-cum-justification (How could one possibly improve on this with a wise-ass definition?) majoritarians (Critter from the planet Major?) Malayish malfunxion (Mal, when he's well oiled, and well fed.) mandatory sad piano music (Interval signal used on Liberace's birthday?) manipulating chequered balls (silly ball game) manufaxuring MAQ (Muamar A. Q'Daffy Duck of the Gerat Jamahiriyah) Marchbegin (Any relation to former Israeli Prime Minister Menachembegin? What you do when the band starts playing.) Marchend (Where they usually put the horses in a parade.) Mary's bellyfruit (Jeezus Horatio Kryst) masculine robot voice (Stephen Hawking Weather Service) master mathematician & prophet (Harold Camping) Master of precision (Wise-ass reference to RHC folks) meaningless corporate initialism (Matching call letters to a company name or slogan.) megaCatholix (10,000 dekaCatholix, 1 gigamilliCatholix) megaChinese (A small unit of China population) megaChristians (1000 kiloChristians, 1 hectamyriaChristians) mega-church (A very large group of people who don't need proof of anything.) megaHausers (megacycles per hour) megaspeakers (very, very large woofers) MEGO-inducing (not a clue) Melbun (Melbourne; also something found in some diners.) merged log (Using details from someone else's log to enhance your own.) messup (upscrew; misspelling of upmess) metrix Metroplex TX (Dallas-Fort Worth...just like the Manchester-Chelsea Metroplex!) meward (towards me) Mexi-Catholic Mexicoward (Toward Mexico; also a Mexican with no guts.) Mexikids (Small Mexicans that watch cartoons on TV.) Mexinet (Hair containment implement at taco stands) Mexistation (such as KXEO Mexico MO & WJUN Mexico PA?) Mexi-tunes mextaken MHs (megahausers) Mickey Metroplex (Orlando?) middlefish (A Dr. Seuss character?) middle of the minute (misspelling of minutemiddle) mike-shy (phoneaphobia) millenialists millimetering (Inching along) mind-numbing IS minions of J.C. (New Testament thumpers and followers.) minolangs (Would Oklajoman be an example?) minolity languages (You'd think that this was a typo for minority, but l and r aren't very Minolity a new country we can count?) minutely timesignals (like teeny, tiny time signals?) minutetop (a tiny upper portion) misassumption (Is this possible?) mis-blamed misconnexion (Winner of the Connexion beauty contest) misericordia (Something that Glenn thinks WEWN should be put out of.) mismodulation (Winner of a DXer beauty pageant) misopening (?) misoperator (Telephobe company beauty pageant winner?) mispellt (Alternative spelling for mispelt, both of which are incorrect.) misspokke (Glenn actually admitting to making a mistake regarding a station with KK in the call.) misprogrammed automation playout (Glenn reads Dilbert!) mispunch jumbling missingness missionary impositioners (Obnoxious, officious folks with no imagination about sex positions.) missionarism mistaxes (mistakes; also something the IRS will get on your ass about.) mistimesignal (Bangladesh's clock is off; Winner of the time signal station beauty contest) misTS (Mistimesignal...the obfuscation deepens) misundereducated Okie sportsnuts (Does misundereducated mean educated?) miswrote Mixing Product Central (Radio Habana Cuba; a Betty Crocker convention) moaners & wailers (Bro. Stair's flock; Didn't the Wailers used to play in Hartford?) mobile hotspot device (A sex toy?) modulationless (OC) modulation punch modulation spike spurs Molotov cocktailing (A passtime for disgruntled citizenry.) momentwise (A person who is aware of the moment?) monochime monolinguist (a faithful linguist?) monologuing (A style of speaking characterized by Harold Camping...not to be confused with Harold camping.) monomaniacal devotion monthend monthiversary moonbounce (flabby person exposing their rear? Could have been a 60s dance) mosquitoey (A condition of Glenn's porch) motorblob (gooey stuff under your hood?) morningly (Routinely happening in the some bodily functions.) motorboating (Putt-Putt noise from a transmitter.) motorboatingless (People who own canoes?) moveouts (Discontinued programs) Mr. Aryan Man (PPP) Mr. Robot (Synthesized voice, or a dude sounding like one.) Mr. Winklejohn (One can only imagine what this is in reference to.) MT Choir (The Monitoring Times Choir in Salt Lake City) muezzin (An Arab dude that calls people to prayer; "builds up steam for the next outburst") MUF bumpup (What you need to do when your MUF sags.) multi-deep hetbuckets (Great name for a punk rock band.) multi-giganaire (A dude with a shitload of gigans.) multiple pulsing (A very kinky...and difficult thing to achieve.) musicalabanza (Gesundheit) musicking (Elvis?) mushily centered (an old apple?) mushpurs (What you say to your team of sled purs when you want them to go.) mushy blob (A blob that has been cooked too long, or has not been cooked long enough...depending on what the blob was originally.) mushy center (Sooooooo many options here!) mushy FMy spurblobs (Hauser Gone Wild!) mushy squealing spur (What happens when you stomp on a spur.) musicing (playing music) music with soulish sound MusiQRM musix mutant carrier (U.S. Postal Service employee depicted in Men in Black) mutual adjacent interference (frequency wars) mux (mutually exclusive...he had to explain this one) muxes (More than one mux?) mwoffsets (collections of mwoffs) M&W&W (M&2W) Myanmarianese (Janis Joplin tune?) Myrialakers (Minnesotans) mysquin (Glenn's outer covering, which apparently attracts mosquitos... this is about as obtuse as it gets.) mystery tester (jammer?) mystix (Citizens of a small town in Connecticut. Also, brainwashed followers of the Holy One...any One.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nap-doze (Something Glenn does between listening sessions) nap-hopping (Something else Glenn does between listening sessions) nap-music (lullaby?) narratress (alternative to narrette or narrina?) nasty ham spoilers (Spam?) nasty noise blob nasty parasitic spurs nasty spur producer (Spur producer with a bad attitude?) NASWAns (A large white aquatic bird interested in radio.) Native English hearers (That would be us.) Neanderthal music (Music played during a program about Neanderthals; often misteken for Australopithicus music; also, stupid music) near-coastal worldpart near off-frequency (on frequency?) near transpolar inboomer needtobreathe song (fits some huxters too) neighborness (state of being nearby & not necessarily being neighborly) neo-Nazi-cum-cowboy (An apparent German cultural phenomenon.) networx newshole (A news segment from most mass media.) newsy stinger nex (necks...Good Grief!) next2 (Next-Next? or standing and/or sitting adjecent to?) Nigerialess nightmiddle (When Glenn has to get up and pee.) nitepath (Trail between the cabin and the annex.) noiseblob noise radiation (Mother Nature is real?!) noisewall (Things built along freeways in the suburbs.) [non] (It's not from this place. I think we should start reporting these as [ain't].) non-Brother Scare (Everybody else) non-BS preacher non-BS Programming (Anything other than Brother Stair) non-BS psychophant (BS presenter when BS needs a break)OOFSOB (One Of Few Stations On Band; also an utterance after slipping on a banana peel left by someone else) non-buzzing muezzins (Muezzins that have had their buzzers turned off.) non-buzzy (sans buzzification) non-Camping preacher (Huxter that doesn't go on DXpeditions) non-direxional non-football (checkers?) non-Greekish music non-Harold (Pete, Tony, B.S., etc.) non-identical (different) non-incestuous programming (Programming aimed at non-family members.) non-Kim (not Kim Elliott) non-legacy receiver (non-tube set?) non-murderess (a male murderer?) non-prelog (Announcement about something that might be logged.) nonsensical silly football-related performance (Madonna's Super Bowl half-time show?) non-squealy transmitter (an xmtr that doesn't tell) non-standard het (A het that is not following accepted het standards) non-wickeds (Nice people?) no-person`s-land band-edge channel (7200 khz) normal temporary foulup (Apparently standard operating procedure at some Oklahoma radio stations.) North-American accented screaming huxter nosig (Opposite of sig) Not bloody likely (Glenn's assessment of Stew MacKenzie's logs.) now2 (now, now) nuisance transmitter nullee (one who is nulled) numberclature NYE (New Years Eve, also the science guy, also Louis who played Gordon Hathaway in Man on the Street) NZEnglish (A language not spoken in Australia.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O'bee (Okeechobee) objexion (A common exclamation used in the Court of Glenn.) objexionable OBOB (Only Brasillians on band) obs (observation, obstruse. obsene?) OCDA (Open Carrier Dead Air) octominute (Time unit used at Joe Louis Arena) offbeam (Describes many people) offburned offcut (What one should be careful of when using a chain saw.) offdumps off-frequencier offfrequenciness (drift) off-frequencing (What one does to achieve off-frequencieness) off-frequency het (Aren't all hets "off-frequency"?!) offgo (New brand of mosquito repellant?) official Huron sunrise (A sacred event at Zichi's new place?) offpitching (style used by Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash & Judy Collins) offputting (playing putt-putt golf?) offsigning, offsigned (A station gone adios) offtimesignal off-topic music (A religious station playing rock music, or a rock station playing religious music?) offtuning (What you are when DXing and you should be at the dinner table.) offwent Oh2 (Oh Oh) OKquake (An earth-moving event for Glenn.) OKward (Transmissions beamed directly at Glenn. Also, what the Beaver's mom said to Ward when she was ready.) OLASOB (Only Latin American Station On Band) oldcomers (Dirty old men) Oldtimeradio Olympix once-a-country, always-a-country (NASWA counting policy) oncome (What one says to a stubborn Oklahoma mule; also a frequent porno movie scene.) ondemand on-frequency hetter (hetter for an off-frequency station?) on-hourtop (Long form of ToH) onpop (Mom on top.) ontuned (Short form of onturned.) onturned (What Hauser gets when speaking this way.) OOB (Something to do with CNR jamming...Obnoxious On Band?) OOBandscan (Out Of Bandscan, or...overly emotional reaction in anticipation to doing an Out Of Band scan) OOFSOB (One Of Few Stations On Band; also an utterance after slipping on a banana peel left by someone else) OOMUF (Sound made when you bump into something.) oonerspism (Pig Latin for spoonerism?) Open Fora (More than one Unclosed Forum) oppositeward (Across the hall at the hospital; June Cleaver at the dinner table) opposite worldside Orange anthem (Has Florida seceded?) organish (Music sounding like an organ--ear, spleen, epiglotis? Also, the language spoken in Organia.) Orthochanting ( opposed to metachanting & parachanting?) oscillating whoop whoop (Whoop whoop that goes up and down) OSOB (Only Station On Band, or Old SOB.) OTA (On The Air; NOT the Oklahoma Transvestite Association, or Ohio, Oregon, Ontario) otherdays (not thesedays) otherhuxter OTOH (On The Other Hand--you have different fingers!) outchecking (Compulsion to write bigger checks than your competition.) outdropping (What one is doing when visiting the annex.) outfaded (A redundant Hauserism. A description of Glenn's favorite sweatshirt. Presumably very similar to downfaded.) outfaked outfigure (Dolly Parton?) outget (What one should do now and then, and when cabin fever hots.) outkeep (Something told to Glenn many times.) outliar (huxter relay) outmake (An infrequent Hauser passtime?) out-of-bandscan (frequencies you dodn't check?) out-of-bandsexion (Is a bandsexion an orgy with musical accompaniment?) out-of-whackness (the degree of lack of whack) outpicked (What happened to nasal oysters.) outpicking (Where Oklahoma migrant workers are.) outpoint (What Glenn has to do when people don't pay attention to him.) outpointed, outpointing (Something that happened/happens when you get aroused?) outputting (putting out; also something you do on an outside green.) outro (The opposite of intro.) outroducing outroduxion (Opposite of introduxion?) outroing (Opposite of introing; also a roing that is on the outside.) outsend (What one does when one wants pizza at home.) outsender outsendings (transmissions) outstix (a male morning phenomena) outsticking sorethumbly (No comment necessary!) outwiped (This has to have something to do with a trip to the annex.) outworn (Where Madonna wears her underwear.) over-assertive but not hyper-assertive (A conflicted huxter?) over assertive style dialog (Two screaming preachers debating the date of the Rapture?) overconfident preacher (All of them) overhearers (Snoopy DXers?) overjamming (Jamming just a ted too much?) overkill duplicates (The Brother Scare Network schedule) overlisteners (People who listen to Brother Scare?) overrolling (What some people sdo in their graves.) overskipping (What Glenn does at his neighbor's house when they play Hop-Scotch.) oversplash (splash from above) overwater (see lowpower) overwhelmingly religious Ozarx (Home of Ma & Pa Kettle...Crowbar & Go Duck) Oz (Downunderlandia) Oz English (Downunderese) Oz talk ("Pay no attention to that man behind the green curtain.") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paciafroasia Pacificans (Folks from the Pacific) Pacificasia pagebottom (at the other end of the pagetop) panoply of parasites (multiple-spur-producing xntrs in Cuba) papa stuff (exaltations of the Pope) parallax the frequency parallelable (Two llelables?) paralympix (Two lympix?) parasitic hash (Hash that takes over your fridge when left alone too long.) parasitic spurs (Evil, creepy little things with pointy things sticking out of them...eeeeew.) parasitix (Two sitix) parazit (two acne spots?) parx (What a dude does with his car downtown or in the woods with his girlfriend.) pastly (Some time ago. Not to be confused with pasty.) pastor-in-charge pastthing (olde stuffe) pastwise (Some time back) pause-announcements (dead air?) paychex (Take this job and shove it; also Johnny Paycheck's family) PBP (Play-by-play) PBXVI (Pope Benedict the sixteenth) peanut whistle (Glenn's quaint reference to a local low-power TV station.) peax (Large pointy rocks in Colorado.) penile connotations (Pronouncing ESPN invoking phallic thoughts) pentaday (new name for Thursday?) pentaminute (A minute spent pent up; five of these would be a pentapentaminute, or a quintopentaminute.) pentasecond (3-1/3rd sesquiseconds) People's Paradise (Kimland) peppier secular music (exclusive genre for Dr. Gene Scott) peppy keep-you-awake music (Something you look when you've been DXing for a trihour or more. Also, the music that Gene Scott plays during the send-money breaks.) perceptibilizing permanentized (Having your hair done?) perpetratnix (What you do if you don't want to perpetrat.) perpetual big hum (What folks with ear problems hear.) perpetually warbly carrier perpetual blaster (Good name for a wrestler) perpetual preacher (Plentiful pontification perpetrator) perpetual VOG monitor (Someone who is constantly peering into a volcano.) Pet-Kam (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski; not a device for capturing images of your critters.) Pet/Kam motorboat (Probably the boat taking video of that water skiing squirrel you see on the funny video programs.) petrodollars (Not a Hauserism, but of course, he'd use it at the 1st opportunity.) phoneguy phoner (One who phones) phonumber phony-CW jammer (See faux) phony hyper-enthusiasm photoed phrequency (frequency used by Radio Philia) pianoing piler-uppers (Scrooge McDuck e.g.) pileuppers pileups of multiple pulsers (Group throbbage?) pinpointable piratess (apparently the preffered term over pirette or pirena) piratical (Like unto pirates; Tending toward piracy) piratish-only (Awkward reference to a station that is...sort-of a pirate.) pitchplay (Playing with SSB tuning to vary the pitch of Brother Scare's intro music.) pixure (Digital spelling of picture) pixured (Getting pixed) pixuring (Imagining pixies with no clothes on?) PJP2 (Pope John Paul II) p-mail (postal mail) PMS (Pastor Melissa Scott, ex-Barbi Bridges) PMS fix (Unnatural desire to hear Rev. Barbi.) pointless-pulse-jamming (variation of silly-pulse-jamming) politico-religious mission (redundant term) politix (Small bugs residing on parrots.) ponderous declarations (pontifications) popestuff (Coverage of PBXVI) popsong (A tune about Ol' Dad.) porch monitoring (DXing while on the porch, or...checking out what's going on at the neighbor's.) Portuguese Portuguese (Presumably Portuguese spoken by Portuguese in Portugal; obviously important enough not to be given as Portuguese2 or PP2.) Portuguesify possibilize, possibilized, possibilizing (The condition of being possible) possibly needed stuff (All Dxers have as box of this) postalia (Things postal? Genitalia found on postal workers?) Post-Camping era (Period ensuing after the Obama administration banned camping.) post-rapture[non] (It never happened!) post-virginal (after whoopee) post-Yasi (After Yasi?) powerless kitefield (A [place in Enid where Glenn goes to DX) Power Hower (A cut at WWCR's Power Hour) power of gross ignorance (Soooooooo many applications here! pow-wow music (Presumably native American rhythmic vibrations.) PPP (Pastor Peter Peters; P3) PPP modulation (New transmission mode for huxters?) PPP overload (Listening to Pastor Pete Peters toooooooo long.) PP playout (Something to do with Portuguese on RHC, but let your imagination wander.) PPPPpreaching (P? Pastor Peter Peters preaching) praise music (A type of music, not something you do to it.) praiseterm prayerfully mumbling preacherstation (Predominant SW format.) preachertalk preachess (Female pontificateress) pre-announcing (An announcement about an upcoming announcement?) pre-beeping Precious electrical fluid (Something that the Dentrocuban jammer xmtrs punxuating run on.) predixions pre-echo (The sound heard prior to the initial sound; The sound made by a tree falling in the forst when noone is around to hear it; The sound made by apprentice yodellers.) preferred monitoring windows (Whenever Glenn listens) pre-hourtop (Before ToH) pre-log (A log for something that hasn't been on the air yet... a concept that puts list-loggers to shame.) pre-mortem (before mortem) prepeat (The stuff that comes before peat.) prerix (Glenn's fat finger for prefix? Perhaps refers to the dude that owned Rick's Cafe in Casablanca before Bogie.) presponse (Response to a question before it's asked?) presumably2 (presumably presumably?) produxion (in favor of duxion) programmiddle pro-Jesus lyrix projexion (In favor of jexions; something that outstix) propagable (short for propagatable?) propagationally propeller roar-buzz (One of Cairo's several b'casting modes) propspeaker proto-saint (A one-celled saint?) proto-summer noise propagable (Capable of being propped.) protexion (A condom brand?) protocall (A one-celled call?) Prots (Protestants) provoked harmonica accompanyment (Involuntary mouth harp interfernce?) PR puffery (e.g. telling you that the gov't is better at determining your health care than you.) pseudo-authoritative Bible reading pseudobroadcast (ranting ham) pseudo-random repetitions (fake random repetitions? psychophants (A Brother Stair apprentice; A sychophant with a severe mental problem?) pubaffs (public affairs) puckgame (Preceded by "silly" of course) puke-inspiring talk show (anything vaguely right to Glenn) pulsebleed (squirting?) pulsing against nothing (Possible form of self-restrixion.) pulsing jammer (Character in a porn movie.) pumping black gospel music puncher-upper (The tech who makes mistakes in setting frequencies) punchy modulation pulsing blob (amoeba sex?) punxually punxuated (A condition of rock music when played by people with excessive body piercings and colored spike hair. Something that happens to Phil in Punxsutawney every Spring.) pushers of silver as food (I don't see me ever getting that hungry.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q'daffy (Great Leader of the Islamic Republic of Loonie Tunes.) Q'daffy stuff (Things in the Great Jamahiriyah) qeeping (Wise-ass Spanish for keeping) qinship (Wise-ass spelling of kinship as related to Querquians, who are the folks who live in Albuquerque.) QRaMazon (Sounds made when pirana devour a DXer.) QRDRM (Useless byproduct of a useless mode.) QRHam (Ham from a gay pig?) QRhyMn (Rock of Ages interference) QRMadrid (Inferference from a small town between Santa Fe & Albuquerque.) QRManmade (Isn't all QRM manmade?) QRMao (Red Commie Chinese interference) QRMarti (When Marti make noises.) QRMary (Interference from WEWN.) QRMashville (WWCR) QRMelbourne QRMex QRMiami QRMilton (Mr. Berle) QRMix QRMoscow QRMyanmar (Burmese pests) QRNatural QRP Enthusiasts (People who like to power down?) QSL-maniax (Alternative form of QSL-whore) quadriday quadrifrequency (on 4 one band) quadrilingual (Two forked tongues. Also a very complex, tricky sexual practice involving four people, all with considerable dexterity and flexibility.) quadriminute (A 4-sided minute?) quadrimonth (Something very similar to a tetramonth.) quadrinite (A substance that takes away Glenn's powers. A new explosive?) QahiraRM quasi-broadcast (A ute playing music) qudos (Wise-ass Spanish for kudos) Qur'aning Q'uranRM Qur'an snippet (A small furry Arabic creature.) quasi-broadcasts (Opining hams or a ute playing music?) quasi-defunct quasi-DX program (A program for hunchback DXers?) QubaRM (Not a new United Arab Emirate) QuillabambaRM (Pesky Peruvian) QUIRX (Capitalized quirks?) Quitoquake (HCJB attention-getter; Ecuadorian breakfast food?) Qur`aning (Something a muezzin does?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- radiating blobs (action in a lava lamp?) Radio Canada Internal (CBC?) Radio Disney teeny-bopper music (Good one!) radio subcountry (E.g., Huxterstan--Nashville area) radiowarring (An apparent popular passtime in China.) RAnomalies (Radio Australia coming on some freq it shouldn't.) rapid swoosh (A fast swoosh) rapturous conversations (Any intercourse with Harold Camping) ratchety distortion (Sound produced when misusing a wrench.) ratchity spur (Signal sounding like the head nurse in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) rauc music (???) reactivable (Hauser for reactivatable; syn. resurrectable.) reaudible real French (as opposed to Kriyol or faux French) re-availabilize (This opens up a whole new set...adding "re"; reblobbization, etc.) reaxion (Axion again) reaxionary reaxionary Christians rebeginning (Something they do at the Emmanuel Baptist kilo-church in Enid.) rebuy receivor (A person who receives; as opposed to a receiver--a thingy for receiving.) receptionwise (What a [erson gets when they've spent a lot of time receiving.) rechex (What you get when you throw up after breakfast.) recollexion (Collexion again) recordist (A person who worships recordings?) redirexionalised red-uniformed needle-weilding nursing students (Glenn's prefered health care provider.) reduxion (Duxion again) reflexion (What Glenn sees when he looks in a mirror.) refrequencied refurbishment (The act of reinstalling fur on your bish.) Refusenix Reginans (Folks who live in Regina...I know what you're thinking!) regular beep patterns (A beep pattern achieved after a few prunes.) rehappen rejexion (jexion again) rejiggering (Jiggering again; Sooooooo many other possibilities here!) religiBott (a mechanical huxter) religioning (The practice of Gerundism) religious rimshooter religionists (Folks who don't need proof of anything.) religiously-inspired platitudes religious-sounding guitar music religish relistened (used a recorder?) remarx (The process by which Russia will return to Communism.) remnanting remonitor remunerative gospel-huxtering (Pay-per-huxter service) reportage (Classy French word for reporting.) Republic of Cotton-Mouth Mumblers (Egypt...who speak Caterwaul.) repurposed (Finding a new lease on life? Changing modes on your radio.) rerepeated (againagain) rerererepeating (fourpeat tetrapeat, quadpeat) rererereplayed (played again, and again, and again, and again) re-re-say (Glenn having to repeat some tidbit to a DX sinner; e.g. "opera" music requires someone singing.) residual jamming (the jammed station is not there any longer; also licking the jam off the knife after placing it on a biscuit-- see jamming-worthy target) restrixion resung retuneacross (What you do when a cross needs retuning.) reverby (verby again) reverby venue (echoey hall?) reverent-sounding (Sounds religious but not sure.) rhetorical fluff (Godspeak?) rhombix (A frustrating puzzle involving untangling a wire cube; a Romulanbball-point pen.) right-skewed (opposite of wrong-skewed) rimshooter (something to do with a n FMBC reception) ripple SAH (DXer wine) rippling SAH (What you see on the surface of your ripple SAH when youstumble.) rippling subaudible heterodyne (Long form of rippling SAH; If it "subaudible", how do you know it's there?) roaring FMy parasitic spurs roaring parasitic spur robochoir robofem (WWVH lady; KJES YL) robokids (A Hauserism stolen from MARE.) robot feigning human male voice (The NMN guy.) robotic intonation robotix (tiny little robomites that bug robots) robovoice roboYL RoyWed (I now pronounce you Future-King Bill the 1st & Your Highness Kate) rude noise interruptions (Unusually loud gaseous emissions at ToH) Rudolph the RNR rumbling spurfield (Good name for a rock band) running-water ute (Same as the crinkle ute?) rustic exotic music (I guess you have to hear it.) R. Ustralia (Fat finger or a cut at the Downunderites?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sabbathdays (Days in which thine shall take a sabbath?) sacredarity (Something that Bible huxters & thumpers claim.) Sackvillians (Bad people who pillage small towns?) sad piano bed (Noisy, but tuneful bed springs.) SAH (Stupid Ass Holes? Maybe, Sub-Audible Heterodyne--a dyne that appeals to the opposite sex; a heterodyne that only a dog can hear; a straight person the speaks very softly?) sanxuary (A place to get caffeine-free coffee?) satellator (Satellite transmitter/translator? South American tellator?) satisfaxion (can't get no) Saudio (Distorted Saudi audio) Saudisig Saudi-style big buzz Saut ul-Buzz (Sister station to Sawt al-Buzz?) Sawt al-Buzz (An Arab station for apiarists, or people with hives?) sax (A musical instrument, not a bag for holding stuff.) SBG (Silly Ball Game) scair (Word used to offset references to Brother Scare.) ScandinaVatican (Good name fora Catholic stripper?) SCICTT (Santa Claus Is Coming To Town; possibly a town in Slovakia) scratchy spikes scratchy spur field screaming totally insincere announcer screed (Something the YHWH dude does.) screenbottom (the part of the door you kick to open; also posterior inspections) screenshot (Something frustrated computer users do.) screentop screwedup (Misspelling of upscrewed) seasonend (Time to refill the salt shaker.) secret shortwave transmissions (Announcements without times or frequecies) secret unscheduled time (When Habana broadcasts) secs-talk show (Glenn's clever way of expressing sex talk show) seduxion seemingly ponderous religious talk (Huxtering in a language you don't understand. Any religious talk that appears worthy of being pondered but actually isn't.) selective distortion (On purpose?!) selexion self-collision (Running into oneself or your clone.) self-congratulatory bragging (Reporting a QSL without providing any info.) self-congratulatory ID self-destruxion self-flagellating squeal (Sound heard from a herd of kinky swine.) self-imposed echo (Can you go deaf doing this?) self-imposed reverb damaging readability (SIRDR) self-imposed whine self-inflicted hum (transmitter problem) self-inflicted QRM (Broadcasting with an ailing xmtr. Also, a way to make a xmtr go blind.) self-QRM (A deviant behavior...that will cause pimples and blindness.) self-restrixion (See pulsing against nothing) spex (Things that flies leave behind.) semicentury (A really, really long time in a semi? Pentadecade) semi-close (Almost close) semiday (A day spent in a semi?) semidozen (Verbose form of "six".) semi-French (Quebecers?) semi-frequency (ends in a 5) semigigadollar (A shitload of money) semihour (An hour spent in a semi?) semi-inch (Oh comes a sesqui-foot, etc.; About a centimeter and a quarter; also the speed at which semis can go uphill.) semi-Japanese semi-khz semi-mega (half a mega, one demimega) semiminute (20 sesqui-seconds) semi-over (half done?) semi-Palestinian (A Gaza 18-wheeler?) semisecond (1/3 sesquisecond) semisequihour (OK, this is now officially getting out of hand.) separation of Mosque and State (An Islamic oxymoron) serial polygamist (A dude that goes all over the country marrying groups of women?) sermonic (religionistical talk) service for heathens abroad (Stations on 9300-9400) sequesterbux (Excellent term for $ spent by the Federales that they're not supposed to.0 sesquiblock (Down the street a ways.) sesquicentury (Reference to a time when there were only wood-fired and horse-drawn radios.) sesqui-daylight time sesquidecade (dekasesquiyear, also sesquidekayear) sesquidegree (One-half of the 3rd degree) sesquidekaday (15 days) sesquidekahertz (It certainly does!) sesquiharmonic sesquihour (90 minutes) sesquiinch (38.1 mm.) sesquikilohertz sesquikilowatt (150 dekawatts) sesquimegawatt sesquimile (A unit used during a talking house find-the-transmitter challenge.) sesquiminute (90 seconds) sesquimonth (45 days) sesquisecond sesquiwatts sesquiweek (dekaday plus a semiday; 21 demidays) sesquiyear (18 months) sevnightly (7 nites a week...which is a hepaday.) sex (Abbreviation for the plural of 1/60th of a minute...which is six dekaseconds long; also, the most fun you can have without laughing) sex abuse (Saying nasty things about 1/60th minute increments.) sexahour (Often enough! Short fporm of sextahour) sexion (Any body part involved in close contact with other body parts, preferably of the opposite sexion. Gender of an ionic unit? Stimulating carnal activity with a positive or negative charge?) sextahour (A honeymoon lasting an hour? A slap & tickle session lasting an hour? A reminder to post a picture of your favorite body part?) sexta-lingual (Something kinky done on an i-Pod) sexy reverb (moaning with echoes?) SFAW (Scriptures For America Worldwide...with PPP) share-timer (time-sharer?) sharx (Shady people who loan money.) Shep (Shapparton, or possibly Glenn's dog which he misses...a lot.) shortpath shortskipping shortwavesites (another space-saver; narrow places where people wave) shortwaving (A quick gestural hello or goodbye? The Royal family does this alot.) shouting predicator (A person with loud verbs?) showgram (A show that's a program, or a program that's a show. Also, a Japarnese novrel.) showname (Another space avoidance) shux (Something done with oysters and corn? Quaint form of Golly Gee.) SHVA (Super-hype voice actor) sibling station (conveniently allows for either a sister or brother station) sideblast (belly flop splash; need upsideblast & downsideblast) sidesplash sidetuning (tuning knob tweaking...TKT) siesta-maintenance day (New excuse for being off the air?) sightless coverage of stupid, and extremely dangerous, caracing (Glenn is not a silly car race fan!) signif (...icant) sign-on mode silence-sensor (an ear?) sillyballgame (Less severe form of stupidballgame.) sillyballteams silly DST (Glenn is a Nite Owl) silly Lusitanian ballgame (Sinking shipboard sports?) silly slogan simulairing similar-sounding widow (Anyone who sounds like Pastor Melissa Scott) simulFrench (two tongues meeting?) simulfrequencily (B'casting with two different beams on the same frequency) simulfunxional simultimes sinogigabucket (a very large Chinese pail) SINPOly (A Parker Brothers board game for DXers.) sinx (What the sun does every night when Arnold the Terminator arrives.) sis station (sister station) siteswitch skedgrid skippy (Having to do with bounces rather than peanut butter or a funny way to walk.) skywavable Slavickish (Like a Slavick) slideshowed (Replay from a baseball game?) slipshoddiness (Misspelling of, exotic dancer? OK... an ecdysiast.) slope detexion (What one does before tobagonning. Also, a fundamental concept in calculus.) sloperation (Cuban management technique. A less-than-well-organized enterprise.) slopperation (Long form of sloperation) sloppy get-around-to-it operation (Your government in action.) Slovakoczechia (Country seen in a mirror on an old European map.) Slovax (Another Dr. Seuss character? A method for distributing flu vaccine. Possibly a feminine hygiene product.) slushy spur (A horse impeller available at all 7-11's.) smax (See outstix; also a sado-masachistic breakfast cereal?) SNAFUBAR (Mode used for b'casts from Cuba.) SNAFUd (Short version of SANFUed) SANFU'd (Long version of SANFUd) SNAFU Roundup (Review of Cuba's transmissions) snatch of the REE snowbirdy (tendency to fly to Florida in the Winter) snowflaxe (snowflakes...give me a break!) snuk (Past tense of sneak.) solar transit outage solely flukely (Flukely alone; also a very lousy name for Mr. & Mrs. Flukely to name their kid.) Solomonic (Anything from the Solomon Islands) solsticially (Something to do with Sol the tailor?) solsticial nightmiddle (A twice-a-year event in which Glenn emerges to check if his shadow is showing.) somebuzz someguy (John Doe) somehuman (somearen't) somesignal somewoman (So Me Woman, Jane Doe) someYL (A female unit whom Glenn doesn't know by name) songbits soporific wake-up chanting (Apparently something they do in Western Sahara, or what Glenn does in the shower?) soprano with dings SOTU (State Of The Union...DIDAGD--Deep In Debt And Getting Deeper) southwardness (the tendency to skid with the slightest hint of snow) Soviet-style disorder (Cuban frequency management) Spangospel Spanish crackling (A rural Spanish dish) Spanishish (An Ish from Iberia?) Spanishly specifix speed of radio (About the same as the speed of light) spelt (Having to do with the letters used in a word, and not what your kid does with his milk; also, a type of bread found in Bay City) spew prophecy (What B.S. does) spikespurs spiky spur field spiky spurs spixe (Spikes, or a slam at Latino folks? Shoes worn by women who desire achy feet. Something that belongs to Spike.) splinter Christian faxion (Followers of Jesus who worship toothpicks?) spoilt (Adjective describing a lot of people.) spoken sermon (Opposite of an unspoken sermon.) sporadic revival sports-cum-music show (Sex break between variety program segments?) sportstalkers (Sports talkers or sport stalkers?) sportuguese (Language used by Portuguese sports announcers.) spoxcelebate (Papal spokesperson, aka Vatican mouthpiece) spoxperson (A person who repairs bicycle wheels.) sprummer (not a clue) spurblob (That stuff that accumulates on your spurs?) spurcheck (Checking on what frequencies Cuba is on at any moment.) spurchex (What Glenn has for breakfast. Also, plural of spurcheck.) spur field (They have seeds?!) spurfree (A cowboy that doesn't want to hurt his horse; Not squishy, buzzy, hummy, etc. A cowboy who belongs to PETA.) spur hash field spurjam (Cuban dessert?) spurpeaks (The pointy parts on horse prompters) spurpulsing (Horses hate this.) spurring (What a contented. lisping cat does.) spurry (Good name for a DXer's dog.) spur-spewing squealing blob (A blob that rats someone out) squealspurs (Horse prompters that need oil?) squealy Spanish (Latino announcer going thru puberty?) squealyspurs (lubrication deficient rowels) squeeze job (What the uncaring bastards in Cuba and Brasil do to Dr. Gene on 11775.) squeeze-o-vision (foreshortened TV displays) squealing parasitic spur squishy blob (Aren't they all?) squishy pulse jammer squishy pulses (over-lubricated pulses?!) squishy second-order spurblob (How does one differenti8 between 1st & 2nd order spurblobs?) squishy spur/noise field (A relativity concept) squishy spurs squishy transmitter (Apparently an alternative to solid-state) squishy ute QRM (Similar to jampulsing?) SSB intruder (Anti-AM QRM) SSBish (Sort of SSB.) SSB-senders (Verbose for hams) SSOB (Strongest Station On the Band) stable duct (Glenn's explanation for good TV reception.) Starbux (Dolly Parton?) stealth evangelists (An ocksymoron) stinx (A foul smelling Egyptian statue.) stix (Defunct rock band formed by Glenn in the 70s. Also, hockey implements.) San Petersburgo (Russian fast food chain?) straw-sucking-on-almost-empty-cup sound streaming silently (Dead Air?) streetlite (lo-cal street) strike music fill (What a station broadcasts when the staff is on strike.) Strine (Legitimate Aussie slang term for Australia English.) strummin' and gabbin' (Oklahoma form of pickin' & grinnin') strummin' 'n' singin' (Yee Haw!) strumusic (strum music) struxure (An erection) struxured struxure stunted commercial radio box (Container from which many radio people cannot think outside of.) stupid ballgames (Variant of silly ballgames.) stupid football game (FB game worse than silly? The Lingerie League?) stupid sports talk (Any sports interview) styx (Sticks; also the town in South Carolina where Brother Stair is from.) subguy (Bro. Stair's replacement) sub-slogan (Slogan inferior to an uber-slogen?) suburbanly (Like the outskirts of Enid.) suffsig (?) sugarcane curtain (Cuba's political boundary) summer daytime specialized Asian propagation mode (SDSAPM spelled out.) summerly sunset latening superbuzz (Another cartoon character?) super Christian (A man of spiel; faster than a speeding bulletin, more powerful than a lobbyist, leaps tall steeples in a single bound.) super-kaput (Really, really kaput) supersig (Electromagnetic emanations from 7-11?) supersignal suspicious Christian touch (A time-worn Catholic activity) suspicious pulsing (Elvis Presley tune that never made the top 1000?) sux (What a vacuum cleaner does.) Swahililand (A new African radio country) switchero (Spanish version of switcheroo?) swishy signal (effeminate transmission) swishy spurs (effeminate horse impellers) Swk (Sarawak) SWOG (Spoken Word of God? Sealed Without Glue? Shortwave Old Guys?) SW Ontario, which is known as NW Ontario (Example of a problem of an oddly shaped province.) SW-relevant swsites (space saver) symmetrical T-shirts (?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tabloidism (I cut my mothers heart out and ate it on the porch.) tactix (Glenn's breath mints?) tail-wagging-dog relay Tajix talkal (as in talking) talkhost (another space-saver) talkhostess talkshow (Another spaced saved!) talx (talks) tangoing (Apparently a dance that Glenn thinks is popular in Romania, or a description of what happens to Glenn's complexion when he's stays out of the sun too long.) tangoish (A light brown goish?) TCB (The Carribbean Beacon) tell-tale het (An Edgar Allen Marconi poem, or maybe it was Guglielmo Poe) tempo (Glenn's new favorite word...for temporary.) tempojump (Based on context..not a clue. A temporary jump?) terrabux (A whooooooole lotta cash; also bux on land) terrible vacuum (missing huxters) testicled tenor (male chanter) Texan (A language spoken between Louisiana and New Mexico.) TFK! (No idea...looks dirty) T.H. (Talking House) Thaiward (Section of an oriental hospital where peanut oil is used?) themesong (Name of somebody in Thailand?) themetune (Variant of themesong) thenceforward (The way a very proper British general would say, "Charge! A very uppity word.) thinx (Something that smells bad to a person with a speech impediment. Also, a large stature in Ethypt.) tho (though) thoroly Thor's wrath (Something that knocks huxters off the air now an then.) Those easily impressed by reverb (Harold Camping adherents) thot (A thing that occasionally occupies a brain) THQRM (Ted Hauser talking while Glenn is trying to listen?) Throaty Qur-aning (Good name for a porn star) thrucoming (Finished having sex.) thym (A fat-finger hymn?) timebuyers timechex (A brand of breakfast food sold in Enid.) TimeLady (another space-saver) timeseller (What WWV will become when cash runs low.) timesignal (tick-tick-tick-tick...beep) timesignaller (A station that signals time.) timesignalling (Something to do with the 4th dimension?) tin horn gospel huxter tix (Nasty little critters; what WWV does) TOM (The Overcomer Ministry) TOM (Top Of Minute) TOM huxter (Non B.S. huxter on The Overcomer Ministry...could be a Mark Twain character too.) TOM psychphant (Tom Jones admirer? Axually...The Overcomer Ministry adherants) tone test (Opposite of a test tone?) tongueslip (an unplanned sexual event) tonguespeaker (An man that can talk and entertain his girl at the same time.) Tony Alamumble (one of Glenn's favorite huxters) toot-toot (Long version of toot2) tornadism (belief in tornados?) total-loss broadcast totally unreadable monstrosity (Radio Cairo--expect to see this as TUM soon.) Tourette gospel huxter (I think this is the screamer) Tourette's preacher (the screamer?) traction (Misspelling of traxion!) trans-Atlantically trans-Atlantix transmittor (A person who transmits; as opposed to a transmitter-- a thingy for transmitting.) trax (What you leave behind when dragging equipment thru the woods.) trihour (2 sesquihours) trilly (Glenn's cat?) trimulcast (Alan Weiner on 3 freqs at the same time) trination (Indipakidesh, Nepabhuchin, Kuwaudiaq, Azerkazturk, Costaraguama, Urubraguatina, Colozuelador, Beltherbourg, Portuspance, Norfinden, Switalbania, Bangbhupal, Chadnigeroon, Zimzambique, Botswazisotho, Banglindistan, Mexiamerinada, Uzkazturkstan) Trinco (Hauserese for Trincomolee) trinite (2 sesquinites; 1 bisesquinite) tri-pip (pip-pip-pip, pip3) trix (...are for kids.) trop-propagable tropped out (Oklahoma signal enhancement phenomena) tropping (Trolling for tropo DX.)LAS PALABRAS DE GLENN trux (Vehicles driven by truck drivers) tsk2 (tsk-tsk) tsk3 (tsk2 plus 1) T-storming (Bizarre passtime of bored Great Plains inhabitants of crashing old lady's tea parties, and stealing all the crumpets.) tunebies (Also tunebys; characters on a kids TV show for young DXers?) T.U.N. (The University Network; also Ted U. Nugent) tuneacross (a large pissed-off fish) tuneby (Gumby's brother; a drive-by tuning) tuner-by (Folk who tune by.) Turcanada (Voice of Turkey in Turkish via Canada.) turkey-gobbling effect turnoff (Twisting your POWER knob counterclockwise. Also, nose rings) Turx (Folks that live in Turqey? What a person with a speech impediment calls a black and white formal suit.) TV swish (News Gay-Lesbian channel) two-pip time signal (Gladys Knight's backup shy one pip?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ubiquitous Voice of Harold Droning (Camping Radio) UKOGBANI (A country in NW Europe whose name ignores several Isles, Duchys, Fiefdoms, etc.) UKOGBANIans (Folks who live in that place.) umlauty (Like an umlaut, or an ethnic expression, "Ummmmmmmm Lauty, dat look nice!") unbite (What one does to one's tongue when one has a strong opinion.) unblobby (Representative of the University of New Brunswick in Washington.) unbuzzed (sober) unbuzzy (free of bees) uncensoredly unchurched unchurched heathens (a large group) unCyrillic (Greek, Persian, Tigrina, Glossalalia?) underlanguage (What they're speaking on that station you're really trying to hear. What you hear when the station on top pauses.) undermixing undermodulated preacher (one that is not screaming?) undermodulatedly undermusic (Flatulence?; melodic underwear?) underpants-bomber (A good name for a Nigerian rock band.) undersignal underSpanish underspeaking understation (QRM) undozed (awake; also piled high with dirt) unDST (Not daylist squandering time) unDX (Your neighbor's cell phone?) unDXable uneastasian (not east Asian...or, not easta sian) unequationed (A new word coined just for Liz; a mixing product lacking defined base frequencies.) unfits (square peg--round hole) unfixed (Cats and dogs capable of reproducing.) unfound (still lost) unhumanned (sans person) unhummy UKOGBANians (Her majesty's subjects) UNID Bras (Breast harnesses that have lost their labels?) UNIDENTIFIED [non] (Identified?) unifrequency (on one frequency) uniminute (One minute) universal noise level unjammed (What you did when you scraped the jam off your PB&J sandwich.) Unitedstatesians (Norteamericanos) unMandarin (Icelandic, Urdu, Romanche, Quechua, etc.) unmissed unpirate unpropagating (ain't comin' in) unreadable monstrosity (Radio Cairo) unrelogged unseem (It doesn't seem.) userettes (famale user units) unsolid (a liquid or gaseous signal; diarrhetic) unsounds (It doesn't sound like...) unSpanish (Portuguese) unsnowing (Removal of crystalline hydrogen hydroxide) untuned (What stations are when you're asleep and forgot to turn your recorder on.) u.o.s. (United Oppressed States?) upcut up2 and away (Pop tune by the 5th Dimension) upacting (Something your children do frequently.) up-and-down music upback (Where one of Glenn's many pains is? An obscure part of Australia.) upcatch What you do when you behindare.) upclearing (What a teenagers face eventually does.) upcutting (top bunk flatulence) upfade (Shameless misuse of the concept of fading. Possible word used to divert attention from people watching for fadeup.) upgave (What many people did trying to read this stuff.) upline uplook (Something that listloggers do; Something you should not do when pigeons are flying overhead.) upmess (See messup) upmessed upmix (What you say to your dog Mix, when he's in your chair.) upmixed (What confused people are.) uppopping (see oputstix) upput (Presumably what you do with your antennas, or people who speakHauserese.) upshaken (Something never to be done to James Bond's drinks.) upshift (Going from 2nd to 3rd.) upsprouting (see uppopping) upswitched (Past tense of the English town of Upswitch?) upturning (As in what Glenn has to do with his volume dial to hear better.) upwakers (Folks who wake up.) upwaking (What a horny person does after they wake up?) upwarming upwrap (What you do to packages.) USG (U.S. gummint) Usonians (U.S. stations? That would be USonians?) UStates Usurper Habana (Hero of an olde Cuban folk tale?) USSS station (U.S. station in SS) usward (Toward us.) USward (Toward the US.) utebeeps ute blapps (SUV backfires?) uteblob (SUV pileup?) utebursts Utimes (Z) Uzbex (A large furry critter found in Uzbekistan.) Uzbekibekibekistan (A new stan?!) Uzzie (Uzbekistanian with a rapid firing gun) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vamping (seductive fill music) Vaticlash (Interference in anything from the Vatican.) Vaticollision (Juxtaposition of two vehicles in St. Peter's Square) Vatihet (The Pope is nearby) VatiSack (Obsolete Papal enclave in New Brunswick?) vergeful (Like Verge) very bottom-junior Saudi buzz victimae (More than one Latin victim?) VietCom (The folks that run Vietnam. Commie Vietnamese bastards!) Vietnamesish minolity language (Huh?) VL8 shower services (Reportedly a legit term describing how the outback services signal rains down upon the listeners. It could also be a service available for outback tourists, where you can call upon an aborigine to pee on your soiled parts.) V-land (Catholic enclave in Rome) VOAFTGJ (Voice of Africa from the Great Jamahiriyah; aka Voice of Q'Daffy Duck) vocal pyrotechnics (Description of a singer, but would work well with screaming preachers.) vocoderdistorted song (I'll bet this has something to do with rap.) voicecovering Voice of Alamo (Car Rental station) Voice of Putin (Not sure why, but reminds me of the lyric "bare footin'") voice-under (companion to a voice-over) VOLambda (What the VOA logo looks like when they eliminate the A crossbar) VOOL (Voice Of Oromo Liberation; also one of many possible sounds made when one is praying at the porcelain altar.) vuvzelaless (without your vuvzela) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wacky Brother Camping (The Marx brothers in the woods?) Wacky DentroCuban Jamming Command (DCJC with a sense of humor?) wacky god-view wacky wailing gospel huxter wacky wailing preacher (Most of them) wacky Walterbore (Brother Scare) wailing/plucking/droning music wailpreaching Walterbore (Brother Stair) Walterboro Wacko (Latest moniker for Brother Stair.) wandering squealing noiseblob WASPy (White Anglo-Saxon Pygmy?) WBCQRM (Pesky Monticello station) weakerbras (Breast harness that have been washed too many times?) weakerly weakie (opposite of a strongie) weakish (What some people feel when Glenn comes on the air. Language spoken in Weakistan.) weaksig weaky (A weak station, or possibly Glenn's pet name for something.) weatherfemale (A curvy forecaster?) weblinx (Cross between a duck and a wild cat?) weblistening (How spiders catch dinner) weekdaily Week of Confusion (The week following A/B & B/A SWBC schedule changes.) whackadoodle preacher & Bible bumper whackadoodles (Zichisms, but of course, picked up by Glenn.) whack-a-mole-wise (Creative description of having to tune around frequently to listen to stations avoiding QRM. Also, a description of how people who go to Chuckie Cheese a lot, approach problems.) whackiness (the condition of xmtrs being depleted of whack) whadddyaknow (Misspelling od whaddyaknow?) whine & grind with fading (What a tired stripper with an attitude does?) whinehum whinespur whining spur (Higher pitch than a mushy spur. What a young spur becomes when mommy spur doesn't buy what he wants in the grocery store.) whiny spurs whoop-whoop (North Korean jamming) whoop-whooping (Novel expression of North Korean jamming.) wicked mind-control-freak Chicom wide distorted blobs (frequent flyers) widely sprinkled DRM semi-hours (Good name for a rock band) wide-ranging religion Wiggle that patchcord! (Glenn's instructions to Radio Rebelde to cure their technical problem.) wink out (Going silent) winter darkside (Foe of the Summer Force) Winter Orgy (!?) wobbling by Doppler (A new kids TV show?) wobbling SAH (If the het is sub-audible, how does he know it's wobbling? Does Glenn have a talking dog?) wodrmed (About as obscure as it gets, e,g; DRM has wormed it's way...) WON (Wall Of Noise) WOOB (Way Out Of Band; Not a station in Oklajoma) wooden frequencies (Frequencies registered but not used, or frequencies carrying stimulating programs.) wooden frequency plantation (Radio Pakistan's posted schedule) WOR HQ (Glenn's place) world champion of totally useless and clueless broadcasting (Radio Cairo) world-endish (No, not armageddon, just a far off place on the planet.) worldparts worldside (hemisphere; also a concept in the Flat Earth Society) worx (Sounds like a scalp condition.) WotW (War of the Worlds) would-be listeners (People who don't listen?) wrathful overkill jamming WTF (What the fornicate, or possibly, what to fornicate...decisions, decisions.) WTFK? (What's the frequency Ken?; there may be alternative interpretations.) wunnerful (Glenn adopting a Lawrence Welkism.) W&W (Long form of 2W) WWV/H (Both WWV & WWVH...Don't start using this!) WWV Users (People without a clock) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xmas-influenced yakking (What QRHams do.) Yankee-Doodle-Dandying YDD (Yankee Doodle Dandy) yearchange (Minting dates on coins. What the redneck kids tells you at McDonald's when he give you your change back.) yearend (What folks behind ye see when ye bends over.) yearpart (That thing in the side of year hair.) yearound (space and "a" saver) yecch (Glenn's opinion of Western pop music.) yellowize (Apparently what Glenn thinks he needs to do to keep bugs away from his porch light while he's DXing there.) yellopages YFR riff (Family Radio interval signal) ygroupies (Glenn's followers) yipping (Apparently an Andean music accompaniment) YL-ling (YL Yelling) YL zombie (female type KJES unit) zodiak (A new Alaskan island?) zombie crowd (Robokids)